General Information

Real Adventures

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Mongolia is a beautiful and unique country. But at the same time, conditions in the Mongolian countryside can be tough. Traveling, especially on bad roads and bumpy, muddy offroad-tracks can be tiring, slow and full of surprises. The nights are mostly cold, sometimes very cold – even in summer. While the skies are usually clear and rain is rare, snow is potentially always possible. In many areas of rural Mongolia, technical or social infrastructure is rudimentary or dilapidated. Reliable hospitals normally exist only in the province capitals or in far-away Ulaanbaatar. Especially in the remote areas that we usually visit, supplies of fresh vegetables and other foods in the village-stores are often quite limited. And most of the time we are far away from these villages, stores and other infrastructure anyway... When we are not canoeing, horse-riding or hiking, all of our transports are executed in a Russian-made UAZ all-terrain van without air-condition, airbags or even seat-belts. It is a rugged, well maintained and loved machine that can go almost anywhere but it will never be a Land Cruiser.

On our trips, most of the time we are camping. Usually in stunning landscapes under millions of stars but without a toilet or a shower. We usually cook delicious stews and soups in traditional Mongolian cookware, we'll bake fresh bread for you and do our very best to keep you warm and happy – but at the same time we embrace and cherish the simplicity of Mongolian countryside-life instead of trying to create an unnatural atmosphere with an excess of Western-style foods, drinks and other amenities that we all have become so used to that we often find it hard to imagine life without them. In sum: While we always do our very best to organise and undertake with you a safe, unforgettable and beautiful trip, and while we never hesitate to walk the extra mile in order to treat you to whatever we can offer you, we assume that you come to Mongolia for adventure in the first place and that you therefore are the kind of person who will understand that this is really something else than a weekend on a wellness-farm.

Openness, respect and fairness

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However, on our trips it's not only all about "adventure" in the sense of mastering the diverse challenges of the outdoors. It is also about meeting people, hearing their stories and learning about their nomadic culture, their rich history and their way of life. So we also assume that you are interested in going to Mongolia for this reason as well. In fact, we even think that this is a point of tremendous importance and that a journey to Mongolia "just for the paddling" would miss out on one of the best experiences that can be made here: Getting to know – and making friends with – the people. Therefore we provide translation around the clock if necessary and we will always be happy to build bridges between you and the people we visit, work with or just happen to meet on the way. This being said, with very few exceptions, we never set up prefab "cultural programmes" for you. Instead, we prefer to just go through the country with open eyes, ears and hearts. We often get invited into families' homes and are being offered drinks of fermented mare's milk and other local delicacies, we share food together, look at our hosts' photo-albums, show ours or simply just talk away the afternoon. And sometimes, on the next day, these or other people visit us in our next camp. But all this is never planned and explicitly not a part of any set-up programme.

Please don't misunderstand though: We do not advertise here the outstanding Mongolian hospitality just in order to rely on or take advantage of it. In fact, we believe that this would be fundamentally unethical. As a principle, we are not trying to be cheap. Instead, we are dedicated to fairness and are aiming for a maximum of sustainability in tourism. For us, this means e.g. that we pay fair and decent wages to the people we work with, avoid sell-out- and exploitative practices and cooperate with projects concerned with community-based tourism and other forms of capacity building and empowerment wherever possible. We all have years or even decades of experience in tourism, research, travel and volunteer-work in Mongolia and other so-called developing countries. So it is probably fair to say that we know about most of the potential problems and pitfalls and have a good long-term overview of what is happening in the country and the industry. And while we have come to know and accept that all tourism has at least some impact on what it cherishes, we have never forgotten the basic but most important principle for keeping this impact as positive as possible: Respect and love for the country and its people.

If you share this philosophy, and if you are an open-minded person who loves outdoor-life and possibly paddling, please see our current trip offers and contact us. By the way: Before we become partners on the next trip, we want to get to know you and we think that you should get to know us as well – this is why we do not use online registration or booking tools on this website. If you are interested – drop us a line, call us or (if you can) perhaps even meet us in person.
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Company information
Copyright © Siesta Oppi Kanu Shop GmbH, Switzerland. All rights reserved.

Siesta Oppi Kanu Shop GmbH
Sensebrücke 13a
CH-3176 Neuenegg

Commercial register number: CH-217.0.640.961-3
VAT number: CHE 108.627.887
contact us
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Fax: +41 (0)31 741 91 09

Telephone: (+976) 99086004
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